8 Jul 2020

Easy Oven-Baked Carrot + Courgette Risotto w/ Lemon + Chilli Recipe

easy bake in the oven carrot and courgette vegtable risotto with lemon and chilli recipe

If my messages are anything to go by it would seem risotto is hot property right now. And if you're anything like me, most of your main meals include some form of heat, so this recipes is one that that I have adapted and tweaked over time to give me just the right zing-to-heat ratio I need. It's a super easy dish, made even easier (and much quicker) by the oven-baked method. 

Heat isn't everyone's bag, so I'm only using those chilli flakes as a garnish:

Easy Oven-Baked Carrot + Courgette Risotto w/ Lemon + Chilli

Prep time: 10 minutes - Cooking time: 25 minutes


(makes 4 big portions)

Olive oil
2/3 cloves of garlic
250g risotto rice
750ml veg stock (2 cubes is best if you can)
2 decent sized carrots
1 courgette (leeks also works nicely + adds extra sweetness)
1/2 white onion (don’t worry if you haven’t got any, no biggy it’s not essential)
1 lemon
Parmesan cheese

Yogurt / water on hand just incase

A big pan which is suitable for your oven (if you don’t have an oven-proof pan you’ll have to make it the old fashioned slow way on the hob; pouring in the stock gradually and stirring until all liquid is absorbed.

For the Garnish

1/2 zest of lemon
Chilli flakes (Hot sauce is a great alternative, especially Cholula)
Fresh basil
Parmesan cheese


- Pre-hear your oven to 200c /180 fan

- Heat some oil in your pan. Combine grated carrot, grated courgette and finely chopped onion in a nice big pan + gently fry on medium heat for 6 minutes

- Add finely chopped garlic to your pan and stir for a minute

- When everything looks nice and soft add your risotto rice and veg stock to your pan, season with salt and pepper if that’s your bag and increase your heat for 2 minutes

- Pop the lid on your pan and place covered in the middle shelf of the oven for 10 minutes

- After 10 minutes remove from the oven + give it a big stir. Place back in the oven for a further 10 minutes uncovered (add extra time if it’s not the stock isn’t looking quite absorbed yet, likewise if it’s too absorbed we can fix that)

- After the further 10/15 mins take remove from the oven carefully - grate 1/2 zest of lemon, 1/2 juice of lemon + as much Parmesan as you fancy. If it’s looking too thick whack in a dollop of any kind of yogurt or water and give it a big stir. Place lid on for a few mins.

- Serve with a load of Parmesan, the rest of your zest of lemon, chilli flakes + basil. Squeeze the other 1/2 lemon juice on top if you need extra zing

PS it’s ace cold the next day, blob extra yogurt on top if its a little dry or make into arancini balls

Enjoy! Mat
