17 Oct 2016

Danny MacAskill's Wee Day Out

Another one of Danny MacAskill's videos for you to enjoy his Wee Day Out, where Danny takes on all the obstacles that rural Scotland has to offer.

Like his other videos, this one is so spectacular in places that it's hard to believe it's actually real. Good job that Red Bull and GoPro have provided some behind-the-scenes clips too that show just how he rode a hay bale and cycled through a six foot puddle.

No doubt, this video will be as popular as the last one we featured - and we can't wait to see what else he has in store.

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  1. WHOA! this is so cool. Plus the landscape's insane

  2. Yeah, very cool. The hay bale bit is definitely my favourite.

  3. Can't stop watching his videos!


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