25 Jul 2016

The Art of Making a Tennis Ball by Benedict Redgrove

How to make a Tennis Ball by Benedict Redgrove
How to make a Tennis Ball by Benedict Redgrove

If you only watch one video today let it be this curiosity. The art of creating a tennis ball is waaaaaaay more complex and fascinating that you'd imagine! This short video takes you through the 24 steps each tennis ball goes through before it is ready for the court. Just wait 'till the neon green comes in shot...

Created by visual artist Benedict Redgrove for ESPN, and shot at the Wilson factory.


  1. Wow that is SO cool. I've never even thought about how they would be made.

    Jane / deluminators

  2. That's actually amazing! One of those things you never think about!

    James | www.getyourbronon.com

  3. This is mesmerizing to watch! Wonder how eco it is though?

    Kosta // Cool Gear Cavalier

  4. Andrew Greaves10:52

    That's fascinating. Brilliantly shot video.

  5. I found it quite relaxing

  6. Very relaxing. But, I fear not.

  7. Thanks man, I found it good to watch too. Love stuff like that.

  8. haha none of us did!

  9. How fascinating. I'd never thought it is a long process to make tennis balls! I love these kind of videos, I was always in awe.

    Katrina Sophia


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