6 Feb 2016

Rebound by Andrew Faris + Weekend Links

There's something very pleasing, and calming about this project by Visual Artist Andew Faris. Can't stop looking? Follow his work on Instagram for more colour hits. First seen on Swiss Miss.

Enjoy your weekend folks!

Weekend Bucket List

Kids' inventions are turned into real products - The Inspiration
Why creative education is as important as traditional academic subjects - It's Nice That
How fast food brand use design to respond to more 'authentic' rivals - Creative Review
Career paths change + goals are dropped, but it doesn't make you a failure - A Rosie Outlook
Wanna feel good about being "different"? - BBHLondon
Listen to Episode #7 of our "semi-regular" podcast series - Buckets

In case you missed it - Talking about the importance of writing things down + keeping the flow


  1. daisychaindream17:03

    These are incredible

  2. Nice post! :-) very cool how the stripes on the cube blend in with the landscape on the last picture.

    Greets Jon

    Jon The Gold - A Men's Style Blog

  3. Absolutely love the artwork find! That could be a pretty easy DIY if you're good with color families...

  4. And I know you loved the podcast too...

  5. They'll visually pretty striking.

  6. HA. I always enjoy them.


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