7 Jan 2016

Most Modest Desk Accessories

Most Modest USA made Desk Accessories at Huckberry
Most Modest USA made Desk Accessories at Huckberry
Most Modest USA made Desk Accessories at Huckberry
Most Modest USA made Desk Accessories at Huckberry
Most Modest USA made Desk Accessories at Huckberry
Most Modest USA made Desk Accessories at Huckberry

With a shiny new desk in transit (designed by Dan Marc) I'm already starting to make a list of what I want to sit on it. The essentials: laptop, notepad, diary, lamp. The 'those'll look decent": vase, framed print, book. And the extra: Mini Homer Simpson, rubber band ball, Bearbricks, calculator, beer bottles...

But what about all the little bits and bobs? The stuff that just rolls around, but when you actually need it you can't bleeding find it anywhere. A wire desk tidy seem a little old hat, and as my desk has been so thoughtfully designed it only makes sense to treat it well, and give it some good neighbours.

Most Modest do some really lovely looking desk accessories, including; an ash storage vessels, a simple desk organiser, multi-purpose device bar (with built-in charging cable), cork coasters, and cable tidies. All USA-made, and ready to make your desk fresh for the new year.

Available at Huckberry.


  1. Love the simplicity and texture over here!

  2. ah i was actually going to get yangkyu a similar desk organizer to put his phone, wallet and keys. they are always lying around everywhere. i instead got him a nice shaver - muhle - but seeing this post i wish i got him the desk accessory! perhaps a birthday :) i love all things wood!

  3. Maria Fallon20:23

    I love these, I just wish I was the minimalist type!

    Maria xxx

  4. Darwin10:55

    The minimalist design of these organizer products really
    helps to make things look tidier. The wood and stone patterns also make a good
    balance in the design. Good selection!

  5. These are divine. I can't wait to see how you style your desk once it has arrived!

  6. Awesome list, Thanks for sharing and Happy New Year. :)


  7. These are beautiful desk accessories...I love the modern design!


  8. Really love the sleek designs but little touches of organic texture in these - awesome!

    ps. I like that your mini homer simpson is an item on your desk. My family has a mini bart simpson with magnetic feet that we hide around the house. Whoever finds him gets to hide him next. love the simpsons!

  9. Loweboe14:17

    Your photos are taken so beautifully, lovely post!

    I love you blog, followed! xox


  10. These ones aren't our photos, but the brand's own. Glad you're liking the blog though!

  11. Small details are the ones I didn't know I wanted in a besk accessory!

    Now that is a cool story, I can see it playing out in my head right now. Have you been doing it for years?

  12. Me too, I usually go modern over retro - even though people assume you like vintage stuff just because you're "quirky" :)

  13. I'll have to do some photos!

  14. They're very nice and neat, well designed. Can't really stay for the feel but I'd hope they were slightly weighty.

  15. What are you, Maria? Totes messy? :)

  16. Keep them bookmarked, they're all made in the USA, from San Fran too. Be nice to keep it in the country. I need something similar.

  17. Yes! At least 4 years now. It's quite fun - my latest hiding spot hasn't been discovered for a month or two... ha!

  18. These are beautiful. I just wish I could actually practice a 'clean desk', I just love creating piles and having my stuff right there...

  19. I love the sleek look of these products!

  20. Loving how crisp and minimal the design is!

    Rae | Love from Berlin

  21. Liam Pitts09:48

    I love all of these - they're beautiful. I think I really need to step up my desk-game.

    liampitts.com | male fashion & lifestyle blog.

  22. Love all of these pieces. Gorgeous!

  23. I love their simplicity.

  24. I love how simple these are, but also super functional.

  25. So sleek! I need to get a couple shipped over.

  26. ah well something that you can stick all your bits and bobs in would work well then, no?

  27. Sadly these aren't ours, direct from the site but thanks for the sentiment.

  28. Glad you like, Rae.

  29. Just wanted to politely mention a couple of typos I noticed: devise is wrong, it should be device; you also used build in, rather than built-in, which is the actual term. I hope this came across okay, and not rude: I just thought you should know :)

    Other than that, I loved the pictures — those accessories are really nice, I like them a lot :)

  30. sakshid10:21

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