29 Sept 2015

Munchies BBQ Road Trip + Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Honey

I’ve been learning a lot about BBQ recently - and not just how to eat it. Watching chefs on Salted.tv (more on that from us soon!), like LA based BBQ guru Roy Choi, has opened my eyes to the skill required in achieving the perfect grill.

Not that I thought BBQ was that easy before, you understand; but, I hadn’t really appreciated the subtleties that make up a decent BBQ: knowing your heat levels, finding your hot-spots, cutting your seasoning, and trusting your timing enough, rather than prodding the meat every three seconds. I guess there’s a lot of tips and tricks out there because BBQ is just so popular. In fact, it’s popularity never seems to let-up, even when the weather is bad. Although, that’s just a good excuse to gather closer to the flames really and warm up with a glass or two of Jack Daniel’s.

London, as ever, has reacted to - and led - this rise in BBQ popularity. The long established Bodean’s has been joined in recent years by the likes of Pitt Cue Co., Porky’s, and the more up-market Smokehouse. Unfortunately, Edgware Road’s BBQWhiskyBeer has left London. That was seriously incredible BBQ, winning Ribstock in 2013. It needs to return!

Part of BBQs rise has to be due to the personalities behind the grill. Guys like Neil Rankin, Richard Holden, and the brilliant Mark Gevaux (aka The Rib Man) do their thing both in the kitchen and on social media, giving us a ‘flavour’ of their craft at any time of day. It’s these big personalities and near endless BBQ styles that have led food channel Munchies, along with Jack Daniel’s, to celebrate London’s BBQ scene in their new BBQ Road Trip series.

The series airs online soon, but Meat Mission, that Cathedral of meat worshippers (okay, maybe it’s just a chapel), will be screening the first episode, along with food and, of course, BBQ’s favourite friend Jack Daniel’s. Get your tickets here.

If you can’t make it, how about the BBQ Championships in Tennessee instead? Just head over to the Jack Daniel’s website to find out how you can win an all expenses paid trip.

This post is in partnership with Vice + Jack Daniels. Thank you for taking the time to support the projects + businesses that make this blog happen.

You can find Nik at - Twitter | Instagram | Newsletter


  1. This will have to go down as being the best road trip ever.

  2. James Brown08:36

    This post made my mouth water... can't beat a bit of BBQ.


  3. Amen to that!

  4. Yep, there's nothing better than travelling the world eating BBQ!


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