11 Jul 2015

Bartworks by Ken Kagami

We're just fresh back from our trip to Florida, and of course we had to make time to visit Springfield at Universal Studios. We spotted Sideshow Bob escaping from Prison, ate junk food at Krusty Burger and did our annual meet-up with Duffman. We didn't see any wacko Barts like in this zine by Japanese artist Ken Kagami. "Bartworks" is a 36-page exploration of just how weird you can make Bart Simpson look. 11/10 on the odd scale.

Bartworks is limited to 500 editions worldwide. Available here

Thanks for sticking with us while we've been away, we appreciate your comments, emails + tweets. Now it's time for us to catch up!


  1. Ah that sounds awesome, haha would love to eat at Krusty Burger. Welcome back!

  2. Maria Fallon15:48

    These are really cool, I love how simple they are!

    Maria xxx

  3. I totally love this. The illustrations are so much fun!

  4. Haha this gave me a good laugh - I think Bart Simpson has the VERY best series of spin-offs and fan-art of all the characters to exist ever. I'm a big fan of the Bootleg Bart t-shirts!


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