31 Jan 2015

Pirate Corkscrew at The Coolector + Weekend Links

First of all I was thinking this Pirate Corkscrew could be bob-on for Captain Haddock from Tintin, but for anyone that's familiar with Herge's storytelling genius you will know he's more of a whisky drinking kinda guy. I've also started writing for The Coolector too, which is a pretty cool development! You can find my latest wordings here.

Boy, 2015 has started off much busier than I was expecting. I'm not complaining, but being stuck on a train for 1.5 hours while the smashed windows get replaced isn't something you want when you're heading to a meeting. I'm hoping to catch up with blogs this weekend, so please do send me your links in the comments or on Twitter. Enjoy your weekend my friends!

Weekend Bucket List

Chocolates that represent Japanese words
Touching story about a seamstress who worked in the Wilson football factory for 48 years
Travel to the Sacred Valley or how about Iceland?
The old people playing GTA5 cracks me up
A conversation with Nottingham's Campbell Cole
Aerial photography of modern-day suburban sprawl
In case you missed it - Part two of my ASAP54 challenge

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  1. gloryfades.co11:27

    awesome! i feel like this is something i need!

  2. daisychaindream11:30

    I need this corkscrew in my life. Now.

  3. That pirate is on my wishlist and I want to get it asap!
    On your post about The Grand Budapest Hotel, I'm yet to see the movie. How did you like it? Looks like they did a great job with the book.

  4. Those corkscrews are fab, they make good gifts too. I'm going to save the links to check out later.

  5. Iceland for the win.

  6. Getting stuck on a train for that long when you've got somewhere to go sounds stressful... thanks for the link up, checking out the others + your Coolector posts now!

  7. Aw what a fun thing for parties-a kooky corkscrew! Love how the wooden leg is the corkscrew!! :)
    Olivia | www.hernamewascelebration.com

  8. Ting10:35

    Thanks for sharing!! x


  9. Pretty fun isn't it!

  10. it was proper sucky, seriously trying to will in on faster! Thanks, but your posts are always good.

  11. Great gift, well worth bookmarking.

  12. Yeah I loved the movie, not my fav Wes Anderson film but it's up there. Looks stunning though.

  13. I think it might just be!

  14. I don't know much about his work, but I could immediately see a connection in style between Budapest Hotel and Moonrise Kingdom (which is an adorable movie).


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