2 Jan 2015

Alabama Museum of Wonders

The beauty of taking a few days off at Christmas is that I actually get to watch telly - I can go weeks without even giving TV a second thought sometimes. So when I came across a programme called 'American Pickers', I instantly realised I've been missing out on a total goldmine. These chaps have a brilliant job - they travel around America, looking for interesting items to buy and sell on, to make a profit. But the interesting part of the show is that we get to see inside some of the most intriguing and curious places you could ever imagine. Dream job!

Above is the Alabama Museum of Wonders, Seale, AL, run by artist/mad-collector Butch Anthony. A quick Google Maps search suggests this place is properly in the middle of nowhere, "drive up anytime and hook your horn to find me", the website say! The American Pickers had a field-day, discovering rare VW memorabilia, original mascot costumes from the 1950's, rare medical equipment, sought-after pottery, odd rock collections, fast food and transport signs and even a section with questionable Big Foot-related paraphernalia. We should celebrate our curiosity, you just never know where I might lead us. Imagine it taking you to a place like this?!

Read an interview with the man himself here. See more photos of the Museum of Wonders here. One man's junk is another man's treasure hey.


  1. Abbie14:41

    This place looks amazing!!


  2. Katia E14:46

    "follow your curiosity" I love that advice, and it's so true - I would love to stumble upon a place like this haha! Thank you for sharing!

  3. Maria Fallon19:50

    This sounds amazing, following your curiosity is SUCH a good life motto!

    Maria xxx

  4. Haha that sounds amazing! I've never heard of this show either.

    Also hope you had a good holiday season Mat, Happy New year!

  5. This is extraordinary.

  6. Pretty cool hey! Thanks for stopping by Abbie.

  7. Mat! That Alabama Museum looks like an awesome place to visit.

    P.S. How were your holidays? Did you stay in England or spend it elsewhere? x

    Tee @ Rotten One

  8. That sounds fantastic!

  9. I love that show! :)

  10. I don't know how I didn't know about it!

  11. If you can find it!

  12. What a place to visit. Very good thank you, had a lovely time this year. We stayed in England yeah, not got family anywhere else. How about you?

  13. Pretty wacky place Kat!

  14. This sounds absolutely amazing - like you say, a dream job! I'll definitely put this on my to-watch list.

    Becky :: accooohtrements.wordpress.com


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