12 Aug 2014

Packaging + Design | Limpa Metais Coração

I've set one of our contributors a challenge to seek out eye-catching packaging and design related sights with international appeal. Since Yasumi is prone to bouts of wanderlust, this should be a doddle for her and should make an interesting read for us. Today she's sent me some info about metal polish (of all things).

Yasumi says:

This is a classic metal polish and preserver strikingly emblazoned with a dramatic bleeding heart that caught my eye on my recent adventure. Limpa Metais Coração manufactured by Solarine in Braga, north Portugal since 1928. The company also produce silver and furniture polishes all packaged in these rather awesome looking tins and more practically, are renowned for their excellent cleaning capabilities.

If you would like to learn more about the Solarine brand or stare at their tins with me here is their website - Yasumi.

You can find Yasumi at - Stranger London / Worship Blues / Twitter


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