17 May 2014

#TheDailyTrainer Pony Topstar + Weekend Links

I've got some serious love for Pony Topstar in suede right now, aren't they brilliant?! Which colour would you choose? It's been another busy week for me but a few hours downtime at on Saturday should fix everything. Do you have any plans for the weekend? BBQ, beach, park?

Enjoy my friends!

Weekend Bucket List

Designing an apartment for one.
3D printer builds affordable housing! More of this please.
Great interview with a big thinking small brand - TRiCKETT
Never been one for Mac + Cheese but this changes things.
This makes good sense - Glow in the dark road markings in The Netherlands.
Digging this styling of Dickies by Goodhood.
Burger bean bags are the best.

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  1. Thanks for the mention! I think 'When Mac met Cheese' will definitely change your opinion on the stuff! x

  2. I quite like green one! These Mac & Cheese place sounds a nice place to visit and their food got me hungry.

    Katrina Sophia Blog

  3. Like the green :) Working a lot, but managing to go see a local band tonight and will be able to have a nice lay in tomorrow before my shift begins!

  4. I LOVE the cream and those yellow ones are great, too. So simple.

  5. Oh, I quite like the texture on these shoes. It's subtle, but nice. What fun colors too!

  6. Those burger bean bags look fantastic!

  7. Loving the colours - definitely been looking for a pair of pop trainers myself! Might have to have a sneaky look to see of they do them in women's sizes...

    Hmm maybe...

  8. Love your blog, I've just found it! I know what you mean about suede, much better than a canvas pump in my opinion!


  9. I like the apartment a lot!

    7% Solution

  10. Suede!!!! I would muck these up in no time but if I could have a pair I say YELLOW!!!

  11. Go for green, so bright and cheery! They kind of remind me of my mum's vintage Dunlop green flash trainers (never a bad thing in my opinion!)

    Maria xxx

  12. Love the yellow pair! xx

  13. love the green and yellow pairs!


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