12 May 2014

Tens | The Real Life Photo Filter

Tens is a new sunglasses brand which sees life slightly different from the rest. The Edinburgh-based start-up aim to bridge the gap between our constant want to filter + edit life through various post-photo production techniques and a pair of sunglasses, which change the light instantly. Their aim was to create something which lets you skip the editing process and filter what our eyes see, while being totally disconnected from technology.

Tens' technology work with the warmth of the sun, which filters what we see before our eyes. Do we need it? I'm not 100% convinced we do, life looks pretty good without it. It's an interesting concept which promotes offline activity nonetheless.

For more information on Tens visit here. [image source]

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  1. Lovely sunglasses but surely it will just encourage us to take photos through the lens using them as a kind of filter? I know that's how I use my polarised Raybans anyhow :p x
    La Lingua : Food, Life, Love, Travel, Friends, Italy

  2. Oh that's coool. I love the idea. Though my Ray Ban's are a sort of filter lens already haha. I loved how the whole video had this filter over it.

  3. Anonymous22:40

    Instagram glasses?! Pretty cool, but I don't think I'll be buying a pair any time soon!

    Saskia / girlinbrogues.com


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