26 Apr 2014

Nintendo Game Boy Soaps + Weekend Links

This week is the 25th anniversary of the original Nintendo Game Boy, way to make me feel old! In celebration of this fact I'll be dusting off my turquoise Game Boy Colour and having a few rounds on The Real Ghostbusters!

For all those who got rid of their original, how about some insanely realistic Game Boy Cartridge Soaps - Also available in Super Nintendo versions. Neat hey? Happy weekend my friends!

Oh and this is Buckets & Spades' 1000th post!

Weekend Bucket List

25 amazing science + nature GIFs
Cocorina's redesign looks spot on!
Tips for choosing the right DSLR + lens
Article of the week - Building a "cool brand" from the ground up
This packaging - Milky Wave!
Got my eye on these shorts for summer
My interview with Reiss - How to Pack Light

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  1. 1000 posts!!! Well done!!!

  2. Wow so realistic, I would hate to use them. I'd keep them instead. Also, GameBoy colour was my first (and only to be honest) handheld console and I still keep it with all the cartridges just for the memories ;)

  3. Whoa! I want all "OH NO! WHAT HAPPENED TO THOSE GAMES!?" until I read they were soaps. They actually do look so real!! This is so cool! I have a real big urge to go play some old games now!! And those 23 science + nature gifs are magnificent!!

  4. Whaaaat! I can not believe those are soaps -- too cool! I don't think I would want to use them if I had one. ;)

    I'm totally a Nintendo fan. :)

  5. The soap looks fantastic. I'm going to have to get some of that - it would make for a fab gift.

    I really like the gifs and also the article about brand identity. Thanks for sharing. :)

  6. Oh man I still have my Game Boy Advanced somewhere! Those soaps are crazy, I was like "why is someone washing their games?".

  7. WOAH. I had to do a triple take there, I thought these were soaps based off the title but they looked so real, I thought maybe I misinterpreted and you were (insanely) washing your games?! Bhaha, oh how wrong I was...

  8. You find the coolest stuff, man!
    This sure brings back memories...
    And congrats on the 1000th post!!!! :)

  9. Did the previous post go through? *sigh... oh, Google*

    You find the coolest things, man.
    This brings back memories. Donkey Kong is still my favorite game. Ever.
    And congrats on the 1000th post! :)

  10. These Game Boy soaps are amazing! Definitely a good present for Mark :)

    Maria xxx

  11. noooooo you're ruining the games, oh they're actually soap?! whaaat! they look SOOO real, insane. i absolutely love this! such a clever idea

    congrats on 1000th post, that's amaaaazing!!

  12. those gifs are amazing! i actually saw the documentary on easter island statues that had that scene :)

  13. Well, that has just wasted 15 minutes of mine and Liam's morning haha, we love the science and nature gifs! Cue lots of "whaaats?" especially at the key and octopus bit!

  14. This post made me smile and smile. Amazing shots! I want the soaps.


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