18 Mar 2014

What Makes You Happy?


My advice this morning would be to have a break for 10 minutes and do something that makes you happy, even if it is seen as a bit weird to everyone else. 
Enjoy it!

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  1. Such a lovely video, it really cheered me up!

    Maria xxx

  2. oh my gosh i love this! put a smile on my face in a jiffy!

  3. Haha! Both my son and I loved this!!

  4. Ah, this was magical. And that's great advice!

  5. Wise words and cute video!

  6. What a crazy, fun and cute video!
    Best advice ever. 10 minutes to do something that makes us happy every morning... I'm sure we'd all have a much better day if we did that.

  7. oh my god, that video! I so needed to read this. I had a day yesterday, and I am stressing out about Bryan leaving on Sunday. 10 minutes. I'm on it.

  8. Such a very sweet video!


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