18 Mar 2014

Krups Coffee Part 2 - Coffee Beans

After brief hiatus due to the camera/photography/location issues this post is the follow-up to Part One of the Krups Coffee Series. In Part One we covered the 101 of Krups Coffee Machines, how it works and if it was any good. In short, it's a super machine for a wannabee-coffee connoisseur like myself, straightforward to use, easy to clean and produces great results. If you fancy reading the review then click here.

Part 2 of this series will cover the beans, and they're surely the most important part right? Without the beans the whole coffee experience is made redundant! I've experimented with several different types of beans + brands over the last few months, so here's a simple breakdown of how I've got on:

Finac La Fila, Costa Rica - Sample

I can't compare this to any coffee I've tried before, I think you'll gained about 20 "coffee-connoisseur" points for just being able to pronounce it! A lovely subtle hint of toffee throughout with almost a slight taste of berries and other mixed fruit. Not one to be necked on your morning commute, definitely one to savor. 8/10.

Starbucks Anniversary - Blend 2013

We needed some new beans so I gave Hollie £4 to find some one day, when she came back with a bag from Starbucks, well, I won't lie, I was kind of disappointed. I don't generally like the taste of Starbucks coffee but ingeniously she picked up something slightly different - The 2013 Anniversary Blend. Dark, strong flavours with quite an oily bean, which suit with the Krups EA8258 machine well, after a few tinkers to the settings. Straight up coffee. 7/10.

Meyart Coffee - Chocolate Nut

This stuff really does what it says on the tin. I picked a bag of this up in late December at Manchester's Christmas Markets. I was dubious but the store smelt so good I couldn't resist for £3 for a 100g bag. I didn't disappoint either, super strong flavours without creating something too mocha-like. 9/10.

I'm really keen to hear what style and brands coffee you drink, do you have any recommendations? Be it beans, instant, ground and cheap, expenses, modern of classic! I'm up for suggestions, let me know in the comments section, or you can always tweet me at @mat_buckets.

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  1. I tend to drink instant espresso type things usually because I'm lazy. I do love proper fresh ground strong coffee though.

  2. My boyfriend has been getting me into "proper" coffee lately, it's so much better than instant and buying from coffee shop chains! The Meyart one sounds right up my street, yum.

  3. More posts about coffee please Mat! When I was a Starbucks employee (sorry) I learnt loads about the process of bean to cup, but I'd love to get back into it. Will really have to buy myself a proper machine and grinder too - any recommendations? <3 Claire @ Jazzpad

  4. Right now I'm enjoying the Starbucks Mocha blend. It's phenomenal and I usually am not a fan of Starbucks. Great recommendations!

  5. The last person which prepared me a real coffee with a long traditional preparation is my (finnish) grand mother..delicious !my dea grandma ..what else? now she i is not more here, no one can do it as good as her!

  6. Because it's been a killer summer here in Aus I've been all about cold drip and cold press coffees. There's also a cafe I usually go to that does a coffee slushie - it sounds off but is surprisingly refreshing.

  7. I would strongly recommend the Guatemalan from http://www.liminicoffee.co.uk/productlist.html. Only £3.50 for 250 grams but the postage is a little pricey. I wouldn't let it put you off though, a must try :) p.s I love hole & corner

  8. I'm not a big fan of Krups (I'll drink it, though). If I had the time, it would be fresh ground beans followed by a French press.

  9. Hi Guys, KRUPS bean to cup machines are brilliant, they start at a really reasonable price point as well. My boyfriend likes the fact we can have coffee shop coffee at home now

  10. I use a Nespresso machine and love it. I'd love to try a bean-to-cup machine like this at some point though.


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