17 Mar 2014

Creating Collections with eBay

 eBay bargains from over the years - New Balance 410, Patagonia's Let My People Go Surfing, Albam Athletic Sweat, Gap Check Shirt, Bearbricks, Molskine 16-Month Diary, Lamy Ballpoint Pen, Classic Bandanas, Anderson Belt. 

I first dabbled into the world of eBay around 10 years ago but I didn't start to see its full capabilities until I was studying at university. It proved to be a great way to make a few extra quid and as my course involved photography I was quick to take advantage of new-found skills, which helped no end with my selling power!

A lot of you will know, it's not all about luck, it's about making your items as attractive as possible. Strong photos, clear items titles and thorough descriptions can make or break a sale. As soon as you've found the balance you'll be well on to the all important 100% rating. Mind you, winning items via auction is a whole other kettle of fish!

Being that I'm a big fan of eBay (and a seasoned seller) I was contacted recently by them to take part in a brand new project. If you haven't heard of eBay's new Collections feature, it's pretty simple to explain - The items you find can now be added onto boards, or "Collection". You can create Collections revolving around a theme, for instance, Holiday Inspiration or Homeware, which then can be shared across your social networks.

Items can be added to a Collection simply by clicking on the button directly below the bid box. I've created 12 Collections up to now, each consisting of a different theme, all personal to me. The first Collection I created was dedicated to British Brands, collating some of my favourite brands from across our shores. You'll find a ton of good stuff on there from Paul Smith, Folk, YMC, Hackett, Fred Perry.

It's become much more of an interactive + social way of using eBay, effectively making it easier to find hidden gems - There's some familiar names involved too; Susie Bubble, Blur's Alex James, + my blogging buddy Kristabel are all in on the act. By creating Collections dedicated to items such as Sneakers, Featured on Buckets & Spades, Americana and Patterns, then actually sharing them with the world has kind of turned eBay into a whole new social network!

My current set of Collections also covers vintage clothing, sportswear and inspiration for the up-and-coming SS + AW14 seasons. For my next set of Collections I plan to switch it up a little and concentrate more on Homeware, Technology, Music and Film, so look out for those in another post soon!

If you fancy you can find my collections here, where you'll also have to option to follow individual boards as well as some fellow bloggers.

Sponsored post in collaboration with eBay.

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  1. I must say, I was never lucky with eBay. I tried to use it once (maaaaany years ago) and was a total fail. Since then, never even visited eBay site again.
    I absolutely LOVE that British Brands collection. How I wish my boyfriend was into that clothing style...

  2. it's pretty neat seeing online sites and companies evolve throughout the years. the collections board is neat! the vintage harris tweed blazer is sweet!

  3. I love how interactive Ebay is now! I definitely haven't used it much, but I'm planning on getting on and selling a few things. I'll keep your tips in mind!

  4. Are eBay working with Pinterest by chance? The whole layout comes across in a very similar way!
    It may also lead to more competitive bidding - if we all follow your Sneakers board and we all fancy ourselves a pair of New Balance 996 the seller is going to make a killing!

    1. I think they've just pitched the idea, obviously it's easy to see the similarities! haha yes, they've be loving that wouldn't they.

      Mat @ Buckets & Spades

  5. Anonymous20:24

    Ebay is great, I've been using it quite regularly lately to ditch all my unwanted goods. Although I'm sure they take a percentage of the postage fee now which doesn't make any sense to me at all? You lose out overall, although I can't find a better alternative to selling stuff fast online! I sometimes only sell items for 99p though but still that could go towards a bottle of milk sort of thing!

    Photography is key to selling! I always make sure I present items clearly, it's crazy how much a difference it can make.

    I've been eyeing up some homeware lately so properly looking forward to your next ebay installment Mat!

    Katie » Tattyboots

  6. Interesting! I didn't know you were on eBay! :) I sold a few things on eBay in college, but kind of found it a bit of a hassle...maybe I need to try again? You've got some really great stuff here!

  7. I recently started using ebay to sell some of my shoes. (I have a bad habit of buying them and not wearing them, or only wearing once or twice.) I'm still kinda figuring out how to use the site, but I think it's a great way to make an extra buck instead of just donating things. Last year I sold $500 worth!

  8. in Japan there were a lot of this Bearbricks!

  9. I needed to read this, excellent post! I'll definitely be getting in on the collections.


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