22 Mar 2014

Amazing Billboard Ad - Blowing In The Wind + Weekend Links

46 seconds of ingenious marketing. I'm predicting interactive ads like this billboard will start to pop up on our streets much more throughout 2014.

Guys, I haven't actually mentioned this yet on the blog but I'm off to Ireland all next week with ASOS, to film for a project which is set to be out around June time. I can't say loads right now but I'm heading there with Remi of Hands of Style + Olivia of What Olivia Did. The blog will be a bit quiet next week but you can still catch me on Twitter as usual. Have a lovely weekend + see you on the other side!

Weekend Bucket List

Brian Cox Science Socks anyone?
A short series of clever Branding Exercises
The history behind Nike's Free technology
Ticking the Typeography/Design/Americana boxes
This cinema could benefit from air conditioning
Discovering Hank via Uniform Journal

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  1. Love the interactive ad, Ruth would have loved it at uni!

    Exciting news about ASOS, looking forward to hearing more Buckets!

    Love Tweet xx

  2. Have an amazing time in Ireland - it's an amazing country, and I can't wait to see the project that comes out of it!

  3. Brilliant. Do you remember the Mr.Kipling vending machine? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75jzLOdznyQ

  4. Have fun!!! Loved the ad and the socks!

  5. That is an awesome ad, I'd probably buy that shampoo haha. Have a good time in ireland!

  6. Ooooh your trip with ASOS sounds oh-so-exciting, have fun!

    Love this - interactive advertising definitely gets a thumbs up from me.

    <3 Claire @ Jazzpad

  7. can't wait to hear about your adventures in Ireland!

  8. awesome ad! and trip with ASOS sounds incredible! can't wait to hear more!

  9. This is cool! I love how outdoor advertising is so now so much more interactive compared to the usual billboards we had a few years ago.


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