14 Feb 2014

Be The Face of JD

jd sports menswear, king of trainers, the face of jd 2014, high street sportswear, nike

Have you got what it takes to become this year's main dude for sportswear retailer JD? The nationwide search is on, and this weekend is your last chance to get involved. The "King of Trainers" is looking for the new Face of JD and over the next few days the team are taking their traveling auditions to Birmingham and finishing off in London.

JD are searching for regular folk with a true sense of personal style - They're not looking for the next top supermodel, so if you think you can offer something a little bit different then head down there and give it some welly. If you impress the judges and get picked of the out then you might even get some free stuff from their latest stock, 'cos they're good like that. The winners will be chosen by a panel of judges and those faces will featured across their next nationwide campaign! Check out the video below for last year's winners.

If this sounds like your sort of thing then head down to the auditions on Saturday 15th at The Rainbow Venues, Birmingham or Sunday 16th at The Old Truman Brewery, London and give it a whirl.
To find out more about the auditions + locations visit here or their Facebook Page


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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous14:25

    Sounds like a decent, honest competition especially when a majority seem very self absorbed like that top model show, I'm not into that sort of stuff.

    I may wait until I get paid to get the Los Logos book as I remember I didn't want to put it down in paperchase not long ago, from what I saw there was not much text either but all beautiful visually stunning logos which will be great for a bit of a morning boost to your creativity! That's great about Hollie too, very impressive! I'm glad the book you got her came in good use and definitely let me know if you remember the name!

    I've been told Leuchtturm pads are really great, very sturdy with fantastic paper quality although they are on the pricey side of journals. I'm definitely going to get those 2 on my wishlist, the black a4 one is dotted which will be great for drafting typography and the blue... well, it's just a neat colour haha.

    I know exactly what you mean about getting to the point with art. Surrealism is really fun and it just makes you smile, even the weird stuff! I love being able to wrack my brains a bit. Have you seen Ron Mueck's work at all? It was in Wolverhampton last year so I had a nose and it's just madness being so up close!

    I'm very visual and appreciate great craftsmanship and skill, those who simply slash canvases and add all this fancy lingo just doesn't cut it with me. I remember half of my course was worrying about adding theory to my work when I just wanted to create! The theory is valued so much more over your actual artwork. A regret of mine was doing that course, I rushed into it but I'm hoping this year I'll learn something I am actually interested to get involved in.


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