18 Jan 2014

The Simpsons LEGO House + Weekend Links


Imagine working for LEGO, that would be pretty cool right? To celebrate the yellow gang's 25th anniversary, LEGO and their enthusiastic designers have created a fully functional and accurate Simpsons house, made up of 2,523 pieces. Seriously though, this would be a dream job!

This week has given me plenty of time for reflection. I was asked back to my old college/uni to talk to the students about "Graduating in a Recession". My main advice was to always be proactive, passionate and don't doubt your ability and talents. Sometimes I need to listen to my own advice.

What's on the cards this weekend guys? I'll be found catching up with emails, your comments and with a cold pint of Guinness.

Weekend Bucket List

A short interview I did for my mate Sally of The Cafe Cat.
This got a lot of people talking on Twitter - Bloggers & Photoshop, How Far is Too Far?
#StanSmith yourself.
I aim to travel more this year, Lake Tahoe is high on the list.
Loft Trading's latest short.
Kristabel's been doing her bit for Blackpool tourist board, she makes my town look classy!
Don't forget to enter our latest Giveaway.
I'm not one for hoodies but I could get down with this lot.

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  1. So interesting the blogger-photoshop dilemma! Hadn't read it yet, thanks for sharing it.
    All your weekend links are always great!

    {Teffy's Perks} X

  2. Oh my friends and I used to go up to Lake Tahoe when I was still living in California. It's seriously gorgeous, and I think that you'd love it there. It's super fun to rent out a cabin with some buddies!

  3. Anything related to the Simpsons is a winner in my books.

    p.s. thanks for the link love! xx

  4. that's brilliant advise. It's very inspiring you've been asked back to chat to students about thinking about their future.. I always think when I look back to college and uni, I was totally unprepared and clueless about what I wanted and what I was going to do in the real world.. I still kinda feel like that! I think if I went back one thing I would say to my younger self is to get involved with as much as possible and to do more research before I dive into things! I always made decisions based on what I thought was the right thing. Sometimes I wish I had considered my options more. Good luck though with it! I'm sure you'll be brilliant :)

    Hannah xx

  5. simsons lego, awesome! I can spend a ridiculous amount of time with lego, it's often the case when I have younger cousins visiting. That's great that you got asked to go back to your old uni, definitely a boost of encouragement that shows that you're doing well. Really enjoyed reading your interview!

  6. What an amazing toy!

    Congrats on being invited back to your Uni to speak, and those are some great words of advice!

  7. One of these days I will actually take my own advice and (try to) believe in myself, it's always much easier to tell someone else what to do rather than yourself!

    maria xxx

  8. Oh wowwww that's amazing! Liam loved it too, he's a massive Simpsons fan.

    Sounds like a really interesting talk - and great advice. One of the biggest problems is feeling so comparable to everyone else, it's tough trying to stand out.

    <3 Claire @ Jazzpad

  9. Is it bad at 26 that I've been tempted to buy a couple of the pieces myself? Haha

    Lake Tahoe is beautiful - I luckily was able to ski there! You'll have an amazing time if you go.

    Hmm maybe...

  10. Anonymous21:02

    It's great to see the process behind the making of it all for the simpsons lego house. I was watching the simps yesterday, the episode where it's practically all singing (there are probably a few though!) always makes me laugh. Apu's kwik-e-mart song deserves a katie score of 10/10!

    Oh woah, pat on the back there for the talk! I legs would of gone to jelly! How did it all go down with the students?

    Just read the photoshop post you mentioned and just by looking at the photographs it gets me a tad uneasy, just incredible what technology can do but I must say the former photograph of each wins hands down everytime. From a girls perpective I can see why with magazines you're expected to look a certain standard, it affected me more in my teens though than now as I understand it a lot more, no one is flawless.

  11. I don't know id I could go back to school to talk! haha! well its been a weekend of work for me, slept all sat after a night shift, 7-1 shift today and a sleep in tonight which I should be getting ready for!

  12. I need that Simpsons House! The pink car is awesome!

  13. wooow, that video made me so excited, even thought I don't watch Simpsons anymore, I would play with this lego house for hours, how cool is that

  14. the blogger photoshop one sounds interesting...hope your w/e was awesome!

  15. Not big into Legos- long story for another time. :) I loved the interview with Sally!!!


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