5 Dec 2013

John Lewis Blogger Secret Santa - They've Arrived!

john lewis blogger secret santa, john lewis christmas gifts for men, quilted leather barbour gloves, red bobble hat
john lewis blogger secret santa, john lewis christmas gifts for men, quilted leather barbour gloves, red bobble hat
Christmas has kicked off early this year.

Flipping heck, Christmas has come early in our place! Cast your minds back a couple of weeks and you might remember me mentioning my involvement the John Lewis Blogger Secret Santa, well my presents arrived!  I still have no clue as to which blogger got me to buy for but they sure made a sweet selection. Thanks to their Columbo-like investigative skills, they chose very well with these Quilted Gloves by Barbour and Protest Bobble Hat! Stuff to keep me warm, good thinking Batman.

I won't find out until after Christmas who my Secret Santa was but I'm looking forward to finding out. Also, finger crossed the Blogger who I chose for likes my selection!


  1. Great picks from your secret santa, I bet you're dying to find out who it was!

  2. wow, nice presents! I like the hat very much. very curious who bought you those!

    Katrina Sophia Blog

  3. I love the sound of this secret santa, it's such a good idea! Seen some lovely treats all over the blogosphere. Those gloves are so nice, bet they will keep your hands toasty warm!

    Rosie | A Rosie Outlook

  4. What excellent gifts. I always find Secret Santa presents more exciting than normal ones for some reason.

  5. oooh like the hat! Gloves are pretty cool too - your secret santa did well!

  6. so awesome! great gifts!

  7. Great choice they do seem very you 'specially the hat!

  8. wow! what great presents!! Jealous of the barbour gloves!

  9. I've been hearing a lot about the John Lewis Secret Santa project, and have been eager to see what you've been for each other (oh, i'm ever so nosey!) but it really does help to see what others have bought so that I can get some ideas. The Barbour gloves are rather lovely, I'll pop in to John Lewis next week and see what goodies I can find!

  10. They did good! Of course the blogger that got you will love their gift - you have brilliant taste!


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