8 Nov 2013

John Lewis Blogger Secret Santa

christmas quotes, quote elf film, christmas prints, john lewis christmas, john lewis blogger secret santa, lifestyle blog
Print by Classicology

Along with a few other blogger's I've been chosen to take part in John Lewis's Blogger Secret Santa challenge. Sounds a little bit girl right? Sure, but if you were to receive a swanky new digital camera or some top notch kitchenwear then I think you would forego that. It will make a nice change from doing one at work and receiving a pair of sports socks or deodorant. 

John Lewis have hatched a plan to pair bloggers up from several genres, who will then buy presents for each other, using a list of gifts from the John Lewis website. There's loads of different types of bloggers involved; fashion, lifestyle, photography, beauty, tech ect. Each of us will be assigned a blogger to buy for and have a couple of days to research into their personal tastes, likes and hobbies, which will help us decide which gift is best suitable for them.

It's not only a cool way of spreading some Christmas Cheer but it's also a great way to discover new blogs and meet new people. I can't wait to see who I'll be buying for! Remember, if you're involved....shhushhh don't tell, it's a secret!


  1. hehe that's sounds really awesome!
    and the print is just lovely :) i surely know that cos all year long i sing to christmas songs lol

  2. this sounds like fun! I hope you get something good. :)

  3. Am I right in thinking that is a quote from How The Grinch Stole Christmas?... If so then awesome! I love that film so much!

    It's such an exciting thing to be a part of isn't it? How lucky are we!?x

  4. Ahh, such a cute idea! Hope you get someone good Buckets :)

    Tweet Tweet xx

  5. this reminds me, i am yet to see the john lewis xmas ad! This is an awesome idea, love secret santa

  6. Exciting times for you! Hope you get what you wanted

  7. What a great idea. Should be a fun experience.

    1. Yeah completely agree, Casual Man! Sounds like a really cool experience, can't wait to read about it!

  8. What a cool idea Mat, can't wait to see what you get!

  9. I don't normally have the best of luck with these things so I'm very much looking forward to seeing how this goes for you. Hoping it's a most awesome experience and that you change my mind (and that you get something cool) :)

    (That print above is perfect for the holidays!)


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