30 Jun 2013

Albam Flyweight Nylon Jacket

mens albam waterproof flyweight jacket, green navy nylon windbreaker
mens albam waterproof flyweight jacket, green navy nylon windbreaker
mens albam waterproof flyweight jacket, green navy nylon windbreaker

One good strong example of how to do a lightweight jacket well. The Albam Flyweight Nylon Jacket is fully showerproof and packs itself up nicely so it's perfect for traveling cross country in the summer months.

Available in 3 colours at Albam.


  1. Ooh, favouriting this as a potential for boy's birthday :)

  2. Haha oh wow, this is the first
    time seeing a stylish foldable
    raincoat :P Very cool! Xx

  3. this is great especially as it's typhoon season here in the Philippines.
    btw, I just followed you in bloglovin and GFC, care to follow back?

    A Hint of Sunlight


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