16 Feb 2013

Last Days Of Snow

Birds cope better than I do and they don't even wear socks

Hopefully this will be the last photo I take of any snow this Winter, my circulation can't take much more of it. Two weeks ago doctor has diagnosed me with with mild case of Raynaud's disease. It's a dodgy circulation problem, basically my hands and feel are super sensitive to temperature and can go from being white and numb to bright red and hot in the drop of a hat. Like I said I've only got a mild case of it but it affects me most days, mostly when I go from being out in the cold to going in somewhere warm. It even happened when I was sitting at the pool in Orlando. 

I can ease it buy wearing tons of layers, exercising regularly, drinking ginger tea and making sure I've got decent socks, gloves and boots on. So this is the last Winter I'm going through with below par footwear. I've had enough of cool, soggy feel. So screw it, I'm saving for some Red Wing boots.

Enjoy your weekend guys, what's going on?


  1. very nice pic


  2. I'm sorry to hear that Mat. I'm always cold. Its a rather annoying thing to be!

  3. Very nice pic!

  4. Anonymous17:48

    I have exactly the same thing. I've not been the doctors but my mom keeps telling me too. I've looked at photographs online of Raynauds and its like taking a picture of my own hands. The tips of my fingers go very numb, turn white and then blue/purple. My toes suffer with it too. It's horrible when I'm waiting for the bus and have to show my ticket, can barely bloody pick it up ha!

    I definitely need to invest in some decent gloves/socks. I do buy cheap stuff. I shouldn't scrimp on things that will benefit me for my health!

  5. Anonymous17:49

    Also I've found last year/this year it's become a lot worse. I can't remember getting it much as a kid, nor my mom can't.

  6. Ouch, that sucks! I imagine cold hands and wet feet would be a huge issue up there.

  7. The photo is lovely... I'm sorry that the cold affects you in such a rough way. Hoping that the weather gets better. On the bright side, Red Wings are sweet boots!

  8. aww that sucks, but you get to buy cute cosy socks and gloves! and those boots are pretty cool to. I worked at the weekend, but thats ok as now i have a week off and i'm off to Yorkshire tomorro with sis to visit granny :)

  9. Oh no, well at least it's something you can handle. I think everyone has a little of that inside/outside thing this time of year. Like whenever you go shopping & you've got a million layers on but wherever you go they have the heating on so it's a sort of pointless mission to remain a decent temperature.

    Anyway, almost the end of February so hopefully improvements soon!

  10. My friend Si has that condition too, such a pain! He finds that mittens are great for avoiding circulation problems in your fingers, better than gloves so he says? xxx

  11. Mat, I have this too! I went on medication to treat it before but I found the side-effects worse than just dealing with it myself. I recommend a really good pair of gloves and have you got those things that you put in hot water and then break them when you need them out and about?

  12. Wow I was just reading up on that as I have had very cold hands that never seem to get warm. Luckily it is no where near as bad as raynauds. I'm sorry to hear that though man. When I was in colorad I was commuting home from work on my bike while it was snowing and I happened to not have my gloves with me. It was killer. Never again have I forgotten my gloves. haha.
    I hope you can get this under control and taken care of.
    Red wings are pretty nice, of course I fancy the whole American made although I find myself liking doc m's more. At first I thought they only made the usual ones you see. The 8-10 eyelet boots, but after checking out their site they have quite a bit of selection on other styles which I was liking. I might get a pair but not anytime soon. The winter season is just about came to a close here in Texas as we'll be having some 70 degree weather here this week.

  13. I have always had crappy circulation so I an empathise with on the cold front. Nice pic. Xx


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