18 Feb 2013

Gem Fletcher's Sports Shadow

Here's a nice pick-up from all the muted colours from the last couple of posts, I guess that's Winter for you. These Sports Shadow stills by art director Gem Fletcher are one of my favourite web finds from the past few weeks. Along with photographer Kelvin Murray, Fletcher produced this set of stunning stills using a different sports discipline for each image. Each shot is paired up with a vibrant coloured background and powerful lighting, which creates a shadow unique to the subject. Really effective results, wouldn't you agree?

Looking at these takes me back to my uni days; coming up with concepts, planning shoots, sourcing props, faffing about with angles for hours. I miss it you know, I just need to use some of those skills I learnt and transfer them into the real world.

For more information on Gem Fletcher and the original image source visit her Behance profile.