21 Aug 2012

Need an Extension

Rambler Socket by Meysam Movahedi

As it turns out I could only strip about 30% of my front wall, in prep for painting. My extension cord was clearly not up to scratch, I had to feed it through the post box in the front door and balance it on some books but it wasn't good enough. 

I could have done with something freaking cool like this one "Rambler Wall Socket" by Meysam Movahedi. Extension cords are pretty boring usually but it's fair to say that if I had one like this I'd be pulling it all over the show.


  1. how far can this one take you? this is pretty cool. my problem with extension chords is when they're not in use, they just lay around on the floor waiting to trip someone. but this can be neatly pulled back and the chord hides from plain view. cool!!!


  2. very cool innovation indeed (:

  3. How genius is this?! pretty amazing. I hope you end up using it!

  4. lol! it is pretty cool....for an extension lead :)

  5. I have a special hatred for cords. such eyesores. this would be perfect.

  6. Haha, cool extension socket! You seem to be doing a lot of DIY lately, hope you're not finding it too dull.

    Like your new blog layout by the way : )

  7. OH MY DAYS WHY is this not a normal thing for every house to have? It makes so much sense and also looks like the wall is vomiting. M xo

  8. loooove that socket!!!
    so clever!

  9. Anonymous22:47

    It looks almost alien-like in a sense, very surreal! I only have the one extension lead in my room but downstairs is extension lead central! Brothers have all their game stations and such, drives me and my mom barmey!

    Oh and cheers for the feedback on the window display! My boss likes what I do but always makes me put more stuff on the window, I just make sure to take the photographs before she makes me do this :P generally she thinks the more cluttered it is the better whereas I'm more simplistic. I'd really like a job window dressing in a fashion related environment after this, visual merchandising and such. With charity shops you sort of have to make the best of what you've got so I find myself getting a bit stumped some times. How is your job hunting going by the way? What websites are you looking on? I have a few creative related ones if you're interested (catch is most are in London pfft), but you may already know of them

    and 'it's all gravy' is still in my vocab!

  10. Anonymous22:51

    Oh and yes, Soon after I put the Sherlock Holmes book in the window a lady bought it so I have noticed people do buy items from the window. It's a nice feeling, especially if the item had been in the stock room or hidden behind the other items on a shelf for instance.

  11. Cooool. Love its green color as well.

  12. Genius idea! Besides i always end up tripping and falling ccause of them!

    Thnks for the recomendation. I've listen before about wolfmother, they make sweet music too. There must be something going on in Australia!!!

  13. You know it's great design thinking when you think to yourself, this should be standard.


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