15 Jul 2012

A Lesson On Looking Awkward

Wearing - Gap polka dot shirt, Topman green shorts, New Balance 420s, Penfield backpack, 
Rayban sunglasses, Muji watch, Paul Smith ring

It's something you can't teach, it just comes natural. I don't knows what my hands are doing, I think they've got a mind of their own. I've got out of the habit of featuring myself on here so lets call this a bit of a refresh, just so you all know who you're speaking to. I've been messing around with the look of this place over the weekend, none of it is permanent as I'm planning on changing the whole thing. If you see anything weird going on just so just roll with it for now.

So it's an "alright" to old friends and a "howdy" to some new ones.


Don't forget to enter the URBANARA tartan picnic blanket giveaway here


  1. Anonymous20:19

    You look snazzy! I need that shirt in girl form... diggin those trainers also!

    Oh awkwardness is a daily occurrence in my routine! I've always found it funny how my brothers are really out going and yet I'm this really shy awkward thing! People can never believe we're related haha!

  2. Red strap on that navy polka dot is a dope combo! And hah, the reason I blur my face in so many of my photos is that I am the least photogenic person in the world. There I am smiling for the camera, and when I look at the photo after it looks like I've been caught mid sneeze.

  3. I like the shirt and the shorts! I'm also a huge fan of New Balance! Btw, I'm a newbie here :)

  4. I, too, am liking the shirt!

  5. it's snazzy a British term? Can I steal it along with ace?! I totally know how you feel here. I am pretty sure I am the least photogenic person. I'm awkward every time I get my photo taken, but I've decided at least once a week I'm going to do it anyway, and maybe after awhile I'll feel less self conscience. But with that being said, you look ace, buddy! :]

  6. Looking sharp; esp. love the shirt.


  7. Hahahahha i support you on the awkwardness! so i'll go with the flow with whatever it comes from here!

  8. haha you don't look that awkward!!

  9. Howdi Mat! I've run out of the 'show your outfit' post habit, too... so true, it needs refreshing from time to time. Good one!

  10. Anonymous21:08

    Well done! Endearingly awkward. Love the outfit - it's subtle but the polka dots really make it something special.

    x Peter @ http://low--couture.blogspot.com

  11. You don't look as awkward as you maybe felt! Also, shorts?! Sunshine?! Are you in a magical sunny place? I'll look forward to seeing the blog changes. Oh and thanks for always leaving a nice comment on the rare occasion I actually blog!

  12. Hahah same here always. Don't think you look too awkward though, maybe just 'fashionably awkward', haha! I responded on my blog but I'm going to say it here again; I will be moving older posts to a new url and I will be starting fresh from there, this is actually a lot easier than trying to do a whole 'revamp' on the old blog. So not a whole lot will change, just the name, url, and quality of posts! I hope you'll continue to follow me there!

  13. I too look fairly awkward in photos... You have no idea how many I'll go through before I choose some I'm happy to put on the internet. I find it so difficult when other people take my photograph to know what to do that won't make me look weird - my hands always end up looking like claws!

  14. Like the cool dotties & red on the backpack: do we have a new fashionblogger in town?

  15. Hi there! I think we are all a little awkward, you look quite relaxed here. I like the red against the navy shirt too.

  16. I love this post. As everyone else is saying though - it's a pretty good shot. That red backpack is awesome against the navy polka shirt. Nice look!


  17. aha, daftness is my specialty and I agree on not wanting to be a fashionblogger for it's high egocentrical aura ("oh, look at me because you don't care what I wear but its just me..me..me") thats why I never took it seriously and had a high level of pun in it.
    Anyway, you look great! I'm sure girls dig this style too between the sea of quite-gay-men-fashionbloggers

  18. I really like that red backpack / navy polkadot-shirt combination. And I like your trainers. Cool outfit!

  19. Havnet been on your site for a while! Its looking really good! Well done on reaching 500 followers!

  20. nice to see an outfit post, hopefully there will be more. Loving all the colors. Shirts killer, I need to get myself one like that.

  21. oh i always look awkward, no need for a lesson! haha
    love the polka dots on the shirt, really looks great against the bold colour of the backpack

  22. I would say that you don't look awkward, especially if you manage to wear polka dots with confidence, I would call it quirky, more positive! Thanks for passing my blog to your girlfriend...I hope she likes it!

  23. I love how you've split the pic into 2, looks awesome! Love the shirt xx

  24. Love your snaps. And you're a stylish guy! :)

  25. Love that shirt! www.nowtrendinghim.com


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