29 Dec 2011

Gift #1 - Euthymol

A whole post just about toothpaste? Well sure, here we go! My friends & family seemingly know me pretty well as I got some real corkers this Christmas. So I thought I'd show you some of them over the next couple of weeks. As you guys will know I'm really into design and all things well made. Look what was under the tree, some Euthymol toothpaste! Everytime I see this I want to buy it, just for the old time packaging alone. I've heard quite a bit about this stuff, it was pretty popular in Scotland in the 50s/60s and the majority hated it's medicated taste. It actually smells really similar to the rootbeer I buy in America but it does taste pretty ropey. Let's just say it's not an everyday one, it burns the mouth something rotten. 

Have you guys seen any nicely packaged stuff of late or received any for Christmas?

If you're interested you can currently buy Euthymol in Boots, even if it's just for the packaging.


  1. at least it looks nice! the color is pretty interesting, too.

  2. I love the packaging. Euthymol has been with us for so many years - the hubs always brought it back from the UK when we were still living in Berlin. Love the taste, too.

    Wishing you a wonderful New Year, Mat! x

  3. Anonymous11:31

    I actually use this! grew up with it being the only toothpaste in the bathroom so the taste has become quite nice to me! : ) I absolutely love the packaging - may apply the design to our wedding invites lol.

  4. I'm always attracted to the packaging on this, it's so vintage looking.

  5. Ahaha, I can't believe it burns! Looks great though. X

  6. Oh wow I didn't even realise this was something you could buy now. I totally thought it was a bit of an antique at first glance. Love the design and also the original Euthymol ad that you've included.

  7. Interesting colour of the actual toothpaste itself. I'm a real sucker for packaging. I heard a ridiculous statistic recently, that around 85% of the total price of French perfume is spent on advertising and packaging.

  8. Anonymous19:30

    I've heard of this toothpaste altough never realised they sold it in Boots! Does the paste have a gritty sort of texture to it by any chance?

    The packaging is sweet, really delicatly designed. These sort of presents are what always remain in your memories, it shows that whoever bought it for you knows you really well. A nice touch.

    Thankfully I'm back onto the cheesecake now, hooray! Hope you have a fantastic New Years tonight too! Where has the time gone ay!

  9. Wow it's amazing you can buy something like this nowadays, I'm a fan of retro packaging and adverts too. There's a tour of all the abandoned tube stations in London and you can see all the old tube maps and posters up, I find it fascinating!

  10. Are you kidding, this is defiantly the best tasting toothpaste around!

  11. It is delightful packaging Buckets! Hope you're having a lovely festive time and I really hope I get to see more of you in 2012! xx

  12. I´m a packaging lover too! but the market it´s so boring nowadays everything looks the same. This one surely stands out!


  13. Anonymous12:38

    My grandparents used to buy this! I was never very keen on the taste but as you say, the packaging is just lovely x

  14. How amazing. Will look pretty steller on a bathroom shelf somewhere. Like my brothers girlfriend who designs packaging for a living & they have all this amazing stuff that they've never used just like decorations. Beautiful & merry christmas/happy new year!

  15. its burning aniseed dentist fresh. i mainly use it as it doesnt contain fluoride which helps keep reptilians from molesting me... but not much

  16. I love this packaging! DO you like the MARVIS packaging too?

  17. Anonymous17:53

    Ha! Glad you tried it, it's one of the new that really makes your mouth feel like it's had a blast of cleaner through it.

  18. the packaging design is wicked! buying it tomorrow. if i dont like the taste, i'll put it on my shelf as a display ;)

    xo katrina

  19. Hahaha, I bought some of this last year just because I liked the packaging, and I've used it all of twice. It is not exactly...an everyday toothpaste shall we say?

  20. I think I've never heard of someone receiving toothpaste as a present ;)
    but the packaging really looks lovely - I'm collecting old tins with imprint from flea markets just for their lovely designs...

  21. I love the packaging of this, always a nice addition to the bathroom.

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