27 Nov 2011

Advertising - Amtrak Wi-Fi Ads

I really liked these Amtrak adverts promoting their onboard wi-fi, for their trains. It's something that is usually promoted in a mundane way or not at all, but how important is wi-fi these days? You may as well show it off in a creative and most importantly engaging way. It's a super simple idea and what I really like is that they have clearly been inspired by old Art Deco travel advertising and have mixing it with modern technology. Each ad in the series uses a quality which is associated with the destination, I wouldn't mind doing one of these for the Blackpool Tower!

I might make this advertising thing a bit of a Sunday feature actually, it's quite a nice way to start off the week. Image source

Remember I'm running a short competition to win a Murdock London fancy pants candle, click here to enter.


  1. I LOVE these ads!

  2. The hat & lobster? Just amazing. Imagine how much fun it would be to come up with all that. & thank you for the really lovely comment you left on my blog sometime ago, yours is one of my favorites too. Shall deffo keep up the colloquial innit.

  3. Simple and very, very effective. Less certainly is more here. Xxxx

  4. Makes me think of the grande novels by Ayn Rand!

  5. I really like these too! I am so glad that I found your blog for some truly interesting eye-candy!

  6. Theseare wonderful! Ads can be so much fun when they are well made.

  7. These are brilliant! A very refreshing concept as many things are just 'done to death' in advertising. Thanks for sharing :)

  8. That is great ad - very clever combination of traditional and modern symbols. I'd love if you'd make it a regular feature.

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