1 Jun 2011

Uni is Over & Hot Other

Yesterday was officially my last day at uni. 4 years and what feels like hundreds of stressful days later and it's finally over. I can't really describe the feeling, other than being left empty and that it's a slight anti-climax. This will all change in a couple of weeks when I get my results though, I am sure.

So I deserve to treat myself I think, continuing the theme of trying in get some colour into my wardrobe I've been weighing up my options in the wallet department. I seem to have quite a few wallets but my criteria for a new one is pretty strict. For anyone that actually knows me they will tell you I'm well too picky and indecisive, well it's only because I was to be 100% happy with my choices, makes sense right?

This Comme des Garcons tripled coloured leather zippy wallet ticks all the boxes. Not too big, has a zip, area for loose change(I really don't know how anyone copes without a big for coins), leather and it's an interesting colour combination. I'm off for a mosey around Manchester tomorrow with Hollie, so amongst a couple of other vintage things I'm been going on about, this wallet is at the top of the list.

Wallet available at LN-CC


  1. congratulations, again! My favorite thing to do after completing a grueling semester of school is to buy myself something nice. :]

    also, Polenta is just alright. I tried it plain, sauteed in a bit of olive oil, and it really wasn't all that great. It needs to go with something else that has a lot of flavor.

  2. Snaps on the anti-climax. Great graduation treat though - I have been eyeing these wallets up lustily!

  3. Anonymous23:03

    That wallet really striking! The pop of colour makes a lovely change to many of the usual standard black wallets I tend to see. So if you fancy it then go for it! Like you said you should give yourself a treat.

    As for uni being over I've just finished my 2nd year and I have that stomach churning dread knowing the next year is going to fly by and it's rather scary! It's the thought of being stuck and not really knowing what direction to go towards, plus I'm not sure if my family think I'll get anywhere with my fine arts degree but I really want to proove them otherwise. Enjoy your day in Manchester, hope you find some real gems!

  4. i remember when finished the university just recently, i also gifted myself a wallet. your choice looks pretty nice. though i'm not into colorful wallets, your making me reconsider.


  5. I think you should definitely get one, they are really cool. and congratulations on being done with school!! what now?

  6. now that is the best treat ever! (i went for a ring to celebrate surviving my first year, not such a massive maker though). well done and massive good luck (:


  7. Congrats on getting through school! I think a wallet is really appropriate, when you go out into the work force as college grad hehe.

  8. Congrats! You definitely need to treat yourself, that wallet is so cool!

  9. Hoorah for us being done! Also hoorah for your new wallet, it's a beaut. Let's move to Manchester.

    Love Tweet


  10. Hooray - all the summer ahead. Or is it quick get a job.....? This wallet rocks I love it. Very clever. Xxxx

  11. I actually just ordered this last night!!! Crazy!!! It's like I was destined to find your blog! haha.

    Btw, congratulations on finishing college! I'm sure there's so much more to come for you!! Can't wait to tag along for the ride. I'm your newest follower! :)


  12. congratulations on finishing your studies. Iwant one of those CDG wallets.

  13. Great great wallet!

  14. It's absolutely perfect. Every guy I've ever known has been overly picky about their wallet, I guess because they don't fuss with bags that much... But I always find it so hard to find good block colour without ugly buckles etc. This though, is lovely. Reward yourself! Congrats on finishing uni!

  15. Congratulations, Mat! It must feel really weird after so much stress... The purse is a wonderful reward. Practical and stylish.

  16. congrats and may your next journey be fabulous and adventurous!!

  17. Deff well deserved mate! Wallets are things one purchases rarely or is given as a nice gift and now everytime you look at this you'll reminisce over your time at uni. I also think that the colours are perfect for the occasion after all you had a colourful experience did you not?

    Lastly CDG wallets are the bessssst! They last the longest and are very practical and yes I agree a loose change section is always necessary! I have a tartan full zip one which I got as a gift for saving a womans lanvin trench (a store that will be told in a more appropriate setting) and have not looked back since.


  18. Big up on the big finish. Dreading it. One little week. These are pretty though. X

  19. Congrats! That's really exciting, but I definitely know that "left empty"/ anti-climax feeling after all that stress. Almost like, seriously? That's it...after all that? No trumpets or constant high-fiving?

    Well, I agree with you and the other comments, you definitely deserve a treat and what a treat this would be.

  20. I love the Comme des Garcons wallets, they're so fun! But the news here isn't that these are cool, but that you had your last day at uni! CONGRATS!!!


  21. these would give a great burst of colour into an outfit! really like them.

  22. Anonymous02:41

    30% of said wallet



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