21 Jun 2011

Graduation Treat

In the end I decided on the Comme des Garcons wallet in this vibrant blue colour. My original choice was the tri-coloured version but when it arrived I really wasn't happy with the quality of the leather, it was almost paper thin which wouldn't be durable at all. A Twitter convo with Phil Oh from Street Peeper swung my decision. That's not what I want from a wallet, I want to be able to toss it in my bag or pocket and not have to worry about it.

The real bonus behind the purchase is that I won a £50 gift voucher for End on their Facebook so I only had to put a couple of quid towards it, winner!

It's the big day on Friday, results day. I have mixed feelings about what's going to happen but wish me luck.


  1. You're so right to question the quality of the leather and expect the utmost durability for your buck. Wasting money on poorly made clothes is bad enough but wasting money on substandard leather when you know the real deal should technically last you for life is just a sartorial crime :)

  2. fabulous choice of gift to yourself; especially as it cost so little!

  3. Good luck, I'm sure things will go well. And that wallet is very nice, what a great color.

  4. and what a lovely treat congrats x

  5. love the colour of your new wallet! A good (second) choice. And good luck to you this week!

  6. double win for the bargain nature of it! well, once you had your voucher. i love that colour, i'd quite like an envelope clutch in that shade xx

  7. Good luck! The thought of results is making me feel sick. All the time. x

  8. Right choice. Good luck with the results! From what you've shown us you'll be fine.

    Oh & I ordered your books (your books, how awesome does that sound!) into work, looking forward to reading through when they arrive.

  9. Mat I'm sure you're going to just fine! Trust me ;) Good choice for a graduation treat, I haven't really given a though to it myself, I should pick some dress to get me :)

  10. that wallet is amazing, definitley the right choice...you could never get sick of that pop of colour!

    good luck for friday! xox

  11. Good luck! I am sorry that it took me this long to reply to your awesome comment. Anyway that shade of blue is so nice - reminds me a bit of Prada S/S 2011.

  12. i loved the color of the memo book!

  13. Brilliant choice; beautiful colours. x

  14. Sweet! I need to buy my boyfriend a new wallet. He's had his for YEARS and it's looking a little rough around the edges.

  15. Yay for the half zip, you definitely won't regret it!

  16. Anonymous14:27

    Lovely colour :)
    L x


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