17 Apr 2011

Sunday's Moon

Did anyone happen to see the moon tonight? It's epic, not got a clue why but I couldn't keep my eyes off it. I thought I'd try get some snaps of it but I clearly don't have a good enough lens, I'd like to set up a tripod and take images with extra long exposure at some point. But till I get round to that I've have to improvise, alls I did for these was but a 1 second exposure on and giggled the camera around a bit.

Pretty cool results eh? I tried to draw my initials with the moon but the closest I got was a wonky N.

Uni work is getting pretty heavy now so expect sporadic posts for the next month or so. I'll still be commenting though.


  1. I totally saw it walking home just now, incredible. Love your photos!

  2. I like taking photos like this of tail/headlights on the freeway at nite. :]

  3. Loving these results! For a steady pic I guess a tripod really is a must.

  4. oh, i didnt see it, but your pictures are beautiful



  5. niiice!! i took some but totally failed, when i get them on my computer i'll email you the decent one - i also didn't have a tripod, i should have just done this!

  6. WHOA. No I hadn't seen it last night and I haven't yet seen it tonight - where we live (in a mews) we only get rare glimpses - the last I saw from the living room was a crescent, I'm tempted to go out and see what's out there now.

    Thank you for your recent comments btw, and the one just now. I've been wondering if everyone's away - I know I haven't been commenting as much either- I'm not in uni but press days have taken up time on top of normal life. So it's especially good to hear from you.

    These shots are really amazing, Mat. I love playing with long exposures, especially with film. I remember my dad doing all kinds of things - without a tripod - leaning it on cars, etc. I've got a really good quality strong tripod from my (pre blog) arty self portrait days. But frankly: this is far more creative.

    Good luck with uni & thanks for stopping by.

  7. The results are awesome!

  8. Ha, that is very cool. I didn't see it, sadly. Nice to see your photographs, though. x

  9. Aw wow it looks so beautiful! I keep meaning to do that, like that photographer who caught the stars on a realllllly long exposure, moving across the sky. Lovely.

  10. I love the second one!


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