15 Mar 2011


....is taking over my life at the moment. In the last week I have thought 3 sets of pencils, a fat highlighter, elastic bands, bulldog clips, 2 notepads, 2 rulers and a big rubber. And that's just this week. I'm also on the lookout for a Moleskine diary but haven't found a colour I like so much. Are the options really only black or red?

Lots of the stuff I'm buying is to use for pack shots for my currently uni project but I'm so going to use it all. Does anyone find they hoard notepads by the way? I have a problem.


  1. stationary is absolutely my favourite thing to buy, particularly sketch books and diaries. Paperchase have a particularly good selection :)

  2. It's a sickness - I have it too. :)


    Love the pics!!

  3. I was going to suggest Amazon, but I see that Chris beat me to it! I currently have 3 different notebooks shoved into my purse. :\

  4. Anonymous22:50

    i friend gave me a couple of moleskins in navy that i took backpacking. lovely to write in. have fun with your new stationary! xo

  5. Thanks for replying & for the sweet comment on my blog...thanks for looking x

  6. I buy note books non stop than never write in them, it's just wrong haha I'm afraid of writing in them and messing it up so the book become's unpretty because of my crappy writing inside ! Yes I'm an utter freak haha

  7. you should check out the little prince moleskine. it will make you feel young.


  8. I think you would love Present & Correct and Lucky Bird- they both do beautiful stationery!!

  9. Very clear coloured, Mat. Yeap, I have a tendency for at least 3 books... they all start out with specific subjects, after a while it's one big mess.

  10. I have such a stationary addiction, especially pens!

  11. yep, it's an addiction. let me know if you find the perfect notebook, might stop me buying a new one every time i'm in paperchase...!

  12. I am a self confessed notepad hoarder. I always buy really nice ones and never use them because they look too 'pretty' *facepalm*

  13. I have the same problem! Especially for art, I buy a new sketchbook for every project & then find I have like 5 empty ones already. & then people buy them for me...

    Oh & I'll write it here too: the dark green moleskin I think only comes in a thin edition & they changed their returns policy so supply generally is lacking at the moment (where I work we haven't ordered any in a while) But good luck!

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  15. Ah I'm addicted to stationary, the amount I have to buy for uni is ridiculous and some of it is just really cute
    Good luck with the project :)

  16. I like notepads when they're new. The minute someone writes in one, it's a dud. It's a crazy philosophy jazzy ♥


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