Wearing - Marks & Spencer orange lambswool jumper, Uniqlo shirt, Method pea coat,
Gap chinos, vintage tan leather gloves
A closer look at the hand warmers
My mum never really knows what to get me for Christmas, I mean you can't go wrong with boxers/socks and chocolates but anything past that and she's right stumped. So she gave me £20 to get what ever I wanted and I totally exceeded mine and her expectations.
First up was the orange Marks and Spencer woolly jumper which I got for £10. Marks are having a Christmas offer each week, selling something with two thirds off the RRP, I had to queue up for about 10 minutes but it was well worth it. Lambswool = warmth and comfort.
Next up I managed to get these vintage tan leather gloves for £7 in Blue Rinse, Manchester. I had planned on getting some from either Tkmaxx or Marks but these are miles better than any I have seen. Especially for the price, I'm sure I saw some like this by Dents for £80 last year. So £3 chance when on some soap from the German Markets on Kings Street in Manchester; here's some pics from my visit -
Pretty snazzy set up in Retro Rehab
My friend Kate works in a fancy dress shop, I think she suits it down to the ground. She's a good'en.
Docs, the weather demands them.
These days I have no head. Outfit, as before and Velour shirt, Marks & Spencer tartan scarf,
Camper shoes
Coffee, Hollie demands them.
Wooden bears at the German Christmas market, I expect no less.
Last photo of the day, only just realised the cheeky advertising in the middle.
All images by me.