23 Nov 2010

Urban Exploration

Images above from 28dayslater
Wild horses in front of Chernobyl,  2005
This one's by me.

For my current uni project I have chosen to research into Urban Exploration, the exploration of abandoned, derelict and unseen places. I've become pretty obsessed with it over the past few weeks and even though it's a relatively underground hobby, I have discovered lots of people in to UE community and some epic images/stories. This places are a photographer/historians dream!

If any of these images take your fancy please visit the first linked site, but I'm warning you, you could waste your whole day looking on there.

The final image is by me, technically I didn't explore any derelict buildings but I did come across some interesting things at the local park, including an old ww2 bunker.

Urban Exploration is a very personal thing, you are seeing a glimpse into the past, feeling the hope of what once was and what it turned into. It is also a very real way of connecting to your town or cities past, which some people will never get to see. Does that make sense, what do you guys think about these images?


  1. oo im checking that website out. i came across a blog where it posted loads of pictures of derelict buildings but i lost the link :( this will rekindle my fascination in it.

    love the one with the all white walls, banister, stairs and flooring. i would be too scared to go visit these places though, kinda spooky.

  2. Love the textures of the walls with the paint chipping and the plant life growing inside, though at night time must be quite creepy!x

  3. Fascinated by this subject. I clicked on 28dayslater before I even read your text - saw it's a forum and figured I'd sign up later - you're right, it looks like something I could get lost in.

    This is the kind of photography I've been drawn to - way before street style. Do you know Roz's blog? Clothes, Cameras and Coffee? She mentioned she's doing an art project on texture, she chose 'decay'. I asked if she ever heard of WABI SABI. It's a japanese concept - connected with buddhism - but the essence of it is in the beauty of decay. Look it up on wikipedia, there are some great (western) books on it but it's so essentially a Japanese concept that Westerners have difficulty explaining it in words. But you'd definitely get it.

    Oh! Forgot why I came here: your red/green Christmas remark. I replied on my own post but that's not always helpful. I had to laugh because you'd THINK that looking Christmassy at a xmas party is a good thing but no, it's actually not. Yet another paradox in life.

  4. I really love the 4th and 6th ones! Perfect location for a photoshoot! xxx

  5. I'm completely hooked! I love these photos.

  6. How interesting!Researching further!

  7. i think these images are great. there's something about old, abandoned, ruined buildings that draw me. they're like silent witnesses to the past. if they could talk, they can surely say a lot.


  8. Love these. I know it's over-referenced but reminds me so much of the romantic ruinous vibe of "Grey Gardens".

    Great post, Mat.


  9. I liked the first one the best! good job :)

  10. ahhh, my most favourite website to waste time too...

    As you're in Blackpool have you seen the ones at The Pleasure Beach after hours? The people who do that are either v.brave or v.stupid!

  11. Holy smokes, 28 days later is insanely amazing, what a lovely forum! Thanks for the heads up :)

  12. This is right up my street. I live simple photography of everyday life.

  13. Art and beauty are everywhere, you just have to look close enough. Very snappy.
    snappy x

  14. love the overgrown green and the chipped-paint on the walls x very pretty.

  15. I seen you mention on twitter you were urban exploring. So this is what it is!
    The industrial images (especially horses at chernobyl) are fantastic.

  16. Wow I love these the one with the melted tele set amazing !!!! Reminds me of that cartoon about the grumpy tele and the fairy ...can't think what it was called. Oh I love how beautiful these are, the colour's are stunning like a painting. Love this post, thanks for sharing Mat. Hope you are well :)

  17. OOoh I like this a lot. I did a critique in A Level Art on urban form presented through mixed media and a lot of dilapidated buildings featured in that. There are a lot of very talented photographers (explorers) out there jazzy ♥

  18. I think they're absolutely stunning. What an amazing project to get to do. I have a friend whose squatted for like 10/15 years or something & every time I see him he tells me about this new place he's found recently. They're always falling apart but it's like a whole other side to a city I think I know inside out.

    Good luck finding some wonderful places!

  19. yes I totally love this...it was something I loved to do back in Van, I didn't know there was an actual term for it! Funny enough I've been looking for some UK references as I am moving to London, planning a few fashion shoots, and have wanted these kind of places for inspiration/location! Love it


  20. great post! i love places like that and always look for something similar for my photo shoots...like the photo with old chairs- awesome! loads of character to it...

    please check out my new blog on street fashion and people http://publishmystyle.blogspot.com/

  21. Anonymous11:32

    lovely images - some great rust in there!

  22. Thanks for this post, love this photography. Haunting. Storytelling.


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