14 Oct 2010

What's Going On?

For some weird reason I can't seem to upload any images, what's happening? Is anyone else having troubles? This is my super good reason why there has been a lack of updates this week, back to normal when, well.....my blogger is back to normal.

Oh man, there's a chilly snap in the air, but now I can finally wear scarfs again! Bring it on.


  1. hear hear! I enjoyed wearing my duffel coat today, I'm all about winter fashion. My photo just uploaded so try again in a minute and it might work!

  2. I know its freezing out! Brrrr.

    Mine seems to be uploading ok, but comments are acting funny! x

  3. :( oh thank you for all the comments hun, I have been so out of it lately. I hope you get it fixed and that you put a jumper on so you don't catch a cold. Look forward to your photos :)

  4. Mmmm...the feed button on my blog isn't working. Maybe Blogger is having a melt down?

  5. it's stinking freezing! was wishing for colder weather this past weekend and now i'm regretting it! hope you get your images back up and working soon! xx

  6. I was having some trouble yesterday with images. Grr!


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