8 Apr 2010

Pop Yourself

So I'm starting a new thing, Pop Yourself. Wouldn't it be great if it actually caught on? *

I picked up Lust For Life for £1 in a charity shop, shame I don't have a record player to play it on but it's nice just to have all the same. Does anyone else buy old records or found anything ace in charity shops lately? 

* You're only allowed to use Iggy Pop LPs!


  1. Anonymous22:52

    fantastic album...i actually listened to it this morning on my way to work!! hate to break it to you but i've got a book called sleeveface which is people posing with album covers...that is what you meant isn't it!?

    i got a douglas coupland book & brideshead revisited by waugh in perfect condition for a few pounds last weekend...i was most pleased with my finds :)

    um, southport is ok, some parts are ok others not...bit like anywhere really, i wouldn't say it was a must-visit though!

    sorry for the essay!


  2. Anonymous23:13

    super cool! still have lot of vintage stuff from my dads and some 80s pop! great idea! can pop myself i my blog, too!?? need your accreditation, please, hehe! ;)

  3. Yeah, sleeveface is well and truly done... I have an album on facebook dedicated to it Buckets!

    It is a lot of fun though :)

    tweet tweet tweet


  4. tweet you're getting the wrong idea, it's just IGGY and no one else, like "rick roll" right?

  5. I'm so retarded that I had to google POP YOURSELF to find out what it was hahaha. Great idea though, not sure who to pick yet!

  6. Anonymous13:03

    Haha! Wasn't something similar done in an ad? I think it was BBC Radio or something..

    I don't really buy LPs...got nothing to play it on! But my dad has just dug out his LP player and some wicked Beatles LPs!


  7. Hmm...I like it. Mainly because of my obsession with iggy pop...

    I found a pair of amazing lace trousers and a too big white cotton summer dress for only £1.99 that's been staring at me for a week now wanting to be made smaller so I can actually wear it

    PS I love your socks =)

  8. awesome photo. I wish the local charity shops carried decent things...and by decent I mean something other than overpriced size 28 granny dresses.

  9. I found the coolest old record store when I was in belgium a few weeks ago.. we wandered around in it for about an hour, but I am in the same position in the sense that I don't have a record player, so I didn't end up buying anything..!
    I never seem to have luck in charity shops.. but I did find the coolest sort of jacket thing in a flea market when I visited New York last week with a crazy print and mental shoulder pads. that's been the sum of my luck recently!!

    ps. only found your blog yesterday, but I've been reading back over loads of old posts. I really like it. following now.. nice one :)

  10. Nope, not buying records these days. But I'm old enough to have fond memories of listening to Lust for Life on tape (the things that tended to tear and always had a bit of unwanted talking from the radio guy on them).

  11. Nice one! I have tons of vintage records at home, I'll see if I can find any Iggy Pop ones, and think of an outfit for it. Will keep you posted. And thanks for the lovely comment on my blog!

  12. Just for you Mat, I will do this ...as it is very cool I will put it a post and link to you ...maybe on Sunady .....hmmm know to choose an album ....

  13. We don't have a record player, so I've never bought one, though the idea of owning actual records has always appealed to me. I'd probably buy some just to be kitsch. Haha.
    Is this an actual Polaroid or is it a manip (I love doing that)?
    p.s. re: your comment, that's great to hear that boys do like curves!! :D

  14. i collect records too :) also, me and my best friend found some awesome old fashioned cameras in a charity shop and a vintage sewing machine :)

  15. Anonymous09:36

    Nice purchase.
    I own a record player...so when I meet my 70's throwback guy we can listen to LPs in my bedroom and make out haha.
    Nice blog...I now follow.

  16. Anonymous17:14

    oh, sorry just pop myself..but didn't had a Iggy Pop album! ;/ hope that's okey!



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