17 Mar 2010

Zoo Times

There's lots of places that I seem to overlook in my home town, the local zoo is one of them. I think I have only visited there once in my life, so and my mate Jamesy decided to take a trip there. I can't believe this place is a 10 minute walk from my house and I never go. It was so much better than I was expecting too.

There's tones of excellent animals there, (other than the ones I took pictures of) like tigers, lions, penguins, camels, reindeers, giraffes, elephants, red pandas and all sorts of fish and creepy crawlies. I didn't seem to take many pictures, mainly because I was more interested in looking and them and seeing how they acted that flipping the lens out.

Next on places that get overlooked in my town, The Pleasure Beach maybe?! Check out Blackpool Zoo if you're ever in the area. 

What places do you overlook, which are right on your doorstep?


  1. I love red pandas, they're funny :)



  2. Oh how fun, I can't wait to go to the zoo this summer! xoxo

  3. We went to Blackpool Zoo last year and thought exactly the same thing - I can't beleive its just at the end of the road and haven't been for years. I'm so buying a season ticket!


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