15 Mar 2010

Vogue Homme Japan #4

Pretty excellent use of random props as accessories, 10 out of 10 for improvisation. I can see lamps, tapedecks, plastic bottles, wire casing, twigs, cans, chains, mesh, cassettes and plugs. Have I missed anything? 

Also, is the flat top a la Fresh Prince of Belle Air 93' making reappearance?? I sure how so, I always wanted one as a youngster. You can call this a comeback.

Images feature in Vogue Homme Japan via Coute Que Coute


  1. Anonymous22:29

    a certain type of hair is needed for that cut, bristly, like a toothbrush. i think i'll be a little intimidated if i wake up one day, leave the house and realise every man looks like the fresh prince/Simon Cowell.

    as for Lara, the woman makes me feel like a pervert, i can stare at her body for hours, i even made my boyfriend sit down and stare at the editorial and tell me he agrees with how good her bod is. such an excellent lady shape!


  2. This is one hell of an editorial!

    Enjoying spying?



  3. Anonymous23:13

    Rocking the Fresh Prince look for sure! That was my first reaction!

    I've seen some interesting editorials, for beauty products in particular, using lots of different products spray painted one colour, seems to be popping up in Elle a fair bit in fact thinking about it.


  4. wooooooooooooooow. far out the props person on this editorial is visionary. that first pic in particular is excellent. so much detail.

  5. I think you have to have a VERY SPECIAL type of face for this to work, however my fit best friend does do a very good short back and sides 'army' type thing... it works on him!

  6. great editorial, love the hardware! xoxo

  7. Facially, the model reminds me of Vanilla Ice with a smaller flat-top. But I love the variation and idea of junk materials as 'accessories'. May not be practical but certainly works in this minimalistic 'shoot.

    'GRAGG!' Hahaha. Another funny word from google.

    Ok, I'll stop now.

  8. so Belle Air!!

  9. Nice post! I love vogue!


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