4 Mar 2010

The Swinging 60s

Whilst doing my weekly browse of blogs I came across this video of 1960s London, over at Mess Your Hair Up and I thought I must share it with you. The short video is all about the "vibe" and the "hip and happening" shops, clubs and hangouts in the 1960s, where it was all going on!

I'd heard of a few of the shops, like Granny Takes A Trip and World's End but I've never had a guided tour. So this is definitely worth a watch if you're interested in 60s stuff or just for a bit of fun. The key to the 60s is "don't take it too seriously", so watch and you will be inspired, if not by the clothes you will be by the commentators voice. Why does no one take like that anymore?!


  1. Hey life-twin! :)
    That is such a cool video! Can't believe it used to be normal to speak like that. Society really has dumbed down..!

  2. This is actually amazing!

    And for those of you who like kinky purple lace up boots...


    Paddy x

  3. argh, if we only had a tima machine, i would go back to the 60s -_-

  4. This video is so incredible!


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