18 Mar 2010

Nicholas Hughes Photography

Field "Verse 1" Image #1
Field "Verse 3" Image #4
In Darkness Visible "Verse 1" Image #12
In Darkness Visible "Verse 2" Image #2
Edge "Verse 1" Image #26
Edge "Verse 2" Image #1

I came across Nicholas Hughes' work while I was visiting the V&A in London. I was totally taken back by his work. The man certainly has an eye for capturing somewhat whimsical settings, with the landscapes possessing certain magical qualities. All the images were taken around Britain, Switzerland and Germany, and have been described by Bill Kouwenhoven as "a luminosity of light that is life itself : spiritual , fragile, and sublime.” 

I've been staring at his imagery for about an hour now, his work is not only beautifully shot but to me they are just so relaxing and calming. I am now officially de-stressed.

Visit Nicholas Hughes' website to see more of his work.


  1. somehow they remind me of Alice in wonderland [the setting]
    xo tobes

  2. Anonymous16:16

    Hey thanks for visiting!
    I've been getting some uk visitors lately, that's so cool.
    Vdoery nice pics you have here, I loved the I-D editorial about swatch watches,

  3. What beautiful photography, Mat. You saw his work at the V&A? We live near it, I'm there all the time. Can't wait to check it out in real size.

    Thank you for your comments on my blog. I like yours & am adding it to my blog roll (under UK style, that makes the most sense, no?) if you'd like, let's swap but either way, hope to hear from you again.

    and btw socks are about the only time I wear orange! I've got a pair in hot pink & orange & I like to layer them. Love those bullfighters colours together ; )

  4. Mat these are lovely!

    I think I need to clear up the topic of 'googlefriends' which I seem to have made up. I was really confused, I meant google friend connect! What a wally. hahahaha

    I had even put find it at the left of my page, and there isnt anything to the left of my page!Lesson learnt? Don't write posts so late at night!! haha ;)

  5. Wow, it looks really other worldy. Great shout - such a fan!

  6. This is wonderful, thanks for sharing, I'm glad I know of him now.

  7. Stunning photographs! I love every single one, and that's rare. A master at minimalist photography. His black and whites really remind me of this Japanese photog. Sugimoto, who has some pieces at the Guggenheim now. It is the most amazing museum, Mat- if you ever come to NYC, you must visit.


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