13 Mar 2010

New Found Treasures Part 2

As promised a few weeks back I said I would post all the nice things I picked up on my travels, over the past couple of months. Some of you may remember me saying I moved to London for a couple of months, I found so many nice things to buy, so I bought a lot of them. Can't blame me on stocking up! I was pretty chuffed with my purchases but I was sensible and considered everything more than once before handing over the wonga. I've had a tendency to waste money on clothes in the past but gone are those days, I want to fill my wardrobe with stuff that will stand the pass of time.

So first up is the geography teachers favourite, the tweed blazer;

Vintage 2-button tweed blazer in perfect condition and I have to say, it fits like a dream. I managed to pick this up for just under £30. This is now the oldest piece of clothing, the label states 1964.

Tweed blazer worn here with Uniqlo grey oxford shirt(with replacement top button)

As I said, it fits like a dream! You know, one of those dreams where tweed blazers fit immaculately, we're all had them right?
No tweed would be complete without complimentary suede elbow patches. 

I have to say, I'm one lucky boy. I'm sure it will become a wardrobe staple over the warmer months.

On another note, just like to say hello to all my new followers and thanks to everyone else for your continuous support and just for being so nice.  Next up....the shoes.

Remember you can follow Buckets & Spades on Blog Lovin' and Twitter, just click the links on the side bar.


  1. All the tailored vintage pieces I come across are just way too large. This is definitely a good find.

  2. I'm a sucker for elbow patches. Great, great find.

  3. ELBOW PATCHES! You know how much I love them...



  4. Anonymous19:47

    Top notch, got to love those elbow patches! This plus the rest of the outfit you wore with it the other weekend is my new favourite outfit on you!

  5. Anonymous20:35

    that is a stunning item for any wardrobe. the patches make it, absolutely.


  6. Oh let's see your face haha! I love the idea of a geography teachers' blazer - maybe I could get one and be a geology teacher instead? :)

  7. Love this suit, but I did think Howard Moon when I saw the elbow patches, but he has a really kooky style which I love.

  8. im puking out JEALOUSY! like now

  9. Love, love love!

    (Also love the switched top button - I replace my buttons all the time)

  10. I just shed a tear!!! Not of joy but of sheer jealousy!!

    I have been searching high and low (even on my trip to NY) for a blazer with elbow patches. I had to resort to buying a Ben Sherman (cant get enough of them at the min) shirt with the very patches on the sleeves.

    WOW... my life is empty! HA


  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Is the uniqlo oxford shirt you are wearing this one http://www.uniqlo.co.uk/catalogue/men/shirts/397817-dark-gray-extra-fine-cotton-oxford-shirt

  13. james -

    yeah that's the one but i actually think mines a slightly lighter shade than that grey


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