21 Feb 2010

Showzam: Heat The Streets

Last night my town can alight with the annually event Showzam: Heat The Streets. My home town is bazaar at the best of times, that's why I love it. Some of the exhibitions were designs by local art students, which was very good to hear. I loved every minute of it, minus the freezing temperatures.


  1. Looks like some exciting stuff. I miss being in a small city sometimes.

    Distorted as it is, your outfit looks pretty dapper to me.

  2. some exciting stuff DOES go on in little towns, that's for sure. And why thank you, thats my new tweed from the 60s im wearing.

  3. Wow! Blackpool did something cultural! I'm always impressed how well the town turns out on camera!

  4. rhian - blackpool is always doing cultural stuff, it's a culture fest. just alot of people in blackpool don't really appreciate it, come visit!

  5. There's quite a lot of things happening in Blackpool at the moment - this art fair is on next week in Stanley Park - http://superduperfair.blogspot.com/


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