Whilst not having a telly or the internet you must find other ways to amuse yourself. One of my main ways to pass the time and also to pick up some great sartorial tips is to consume myself in silent movies. I've been a fan of silent movies of the slapstick variety since I was a young lad when my Granddad would sit us all down on a Sunday and make us watch Laurel & Hardy and The 3 Stooges. I still enjoy the daft and somewhat ridiculous plots in many of the 10/15 minute shorts but it has only hit me much later in life how impeccably dressed they were. For men that were throwing themselves around, in and out of windows, through hedges and repeatedly getting hit over the head with 4x4 wooden planks, they don't half manage to keep it together!

Charlie Chaplin is considered to be a genius, not just for the way he puts 100% into his roles or for his natural way to amuse but for the way he directed, scripted and produced and performed all his own films, in a similar way to Buster Keaton. Many people don't seem to realise that they were playing characters, which goes to show how talented they really were.
Images from top to bottom, Charlie Chaplin, Buster Keaton, Laurel & Hardy, Harold Lloyd.
This warms my heart! I now want to dig out my Chaplin DVD's this very second.
ReplyDeleteI am also thinking about those trousers I used when I went out as Charlie Chaplin for that fancy dress and I think I might get some thick black braces and wear them turned up?