18 Feb 2009

Writer's block

Im currently doing an essay about if I think Haute Couture is still relevant in today's fashion industry. Problem is I'm pretty poor at essays and I'm finding it so hard to get started. Essay completion date, 24th Feb.
Maybe Jeanne Lanvin can help?


  1. Anonymous16:39

    I can't believe I only just realised you have a blog too (which, I might add, is very cool). Did you have a good trip to London?

    I think HC is still pretty relevant in that even if there are hardly any people who buy it, the ideas still filter down into high street fashion and all the coverage the shows attract provides very valuable advertising for the brands, even if it only encourages people to then go and buy, say, a Dior lip gloss, and it helps to maintain the fashion houses' exclusive image, even if they sell lots of tacky accessories at lower price points. Interesting essay - good luck!

  2. how did you not realise, been blogging for over a year now.

    the london trip was so-so really, we didnt get enough time to do stuff that you can only do in london, it was filled with average shops and rubbish trade shows. though i did buy some nice stuff (see 2 posts below).

    well super thats just refreshed a few bits and bobs, i will be looking at your blog for inspiration when im writing my blog as loads of stuff on there is relevant.

    what do you do for a profession by the way?

  3. The 24th?!

    MAT, THE 24TH?!

    Relax, have a cup of tea, watch some friends and when the time comes theeeeen you can start to worry.

  4. im not "worried" loads, but i do work at the weekend so lets see. i have tonight, 2moro night, friday, can't work saturday night my body wants fun, sunday night and monday night. i need to go to the library after my uni lesson tomorrow, get me some good books.

    my DM's arrived, they look massive.

  5. I guess you don't really need another level of input, but I'd say HC was still relevant as a 'halo product' - casting down the glory onto the everyday stuff for that brand. Also from a craftsmanship point of view, keeping skills, and the inventiveness of craftsmen/women/people alive. There are still people who choose quality over price point. anyway, voila - good luck! sounds much more interesting than my uni essays were...

  6. I don't study fashion but I can give you some points. Do you want me to help you out?

    I'll email you later. ; )


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