4 Oct 2008

Everyday you make the sun come out

This months playlist:

The Velvet Underground
The White Stripes
Skip James ( Thanks to Hollie)
Vampire Weekend
The Charlatants
Cypress Hill
Roisin Murphy (Must get more songs)

Any suggestions for me?


  1. This season my music is mostly 70s rock (Led Zeppelin). Try 'immigrant song', 'stairway to heaven' and 'kashmir' by them.

  2. Anonymous11:34

    MGMT! I love them.
    + Teddybears (my favorite: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aoAehyDMXfw)
    Also, check out The Virgins.

  3. Hey Mat,
    Are you up for making a new blog (collaboration) with Terence(terencesambowrites.blogspot.com) and me? Let me know. We are waiting for your reply to choose the name and format.


  4. Secondhand Serenade is hot i wuz listening to them all day1 Kaiser chiefs' not bad either

  5. Yo Mat abt the new blog, we want it to be the 3 of us contributing, basically men's fashion similar to what we write on our blogs. Lets just make it fun and Manchic. You get to do a pot once or twice a week but it's gotta be quality stuff for our combined audience, since we'll be pooling our readers by announcing the new blog on our blogs(personal)


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